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Definition and 8 Elements of Part of Speech

Part of Speech

Definition, Elements, and The Examples of Part of Speech

Definition of Part of Speech

Part of Speech is the elements that are used in arranging a sentence. Generally, in arranging a sentence, there are 8 main elements usually used which are noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.

8 Elements and the examples of Part of Speech

1. Noun
Noun is usually used as a subject and an object of a sentence. Noun can be the person's name, the name of a place, and/ a thing.Generally, noun has 6 main types which are common noun, proper noun, concrete noun, abstract noun, countable and uncountable noun.

Louis and Christian go to the theater yesterday.

There are 3 Nouns of the sentence above which are Louis, Christian, and the theater. Because, Louis and christian are the person's name which in this sentence takes role as the subject. Meanwhile, the theater is the name of the building which in this sentence takes role as the object.

2. Pronoun
Pronoun takes the important role which is to replace the noun's position in order to avoid too much repetition in a sentence. Pronoun has 3 types which are reflexive pronoun, possesive pronoun, and personal pronoun.

Christ has a new bag. He got the bag from his father on his birthday last week.

Based on the example above, we can find 2 types of pronoun which are personal and possesive pronoun. The word He is the personal pronoun because it represents the subject's name, Christ. Meanwhile, the word His is the possesive pronoun because it represents the sense of belonging of the subject, Christ which is his father.

3. Adjective
Adjective is an element that usually uses to describe the quality or quantity of an object.
Example: Alexa looks very beautiful with her new dress. The word beautiful is the adjective because this word describes the quality of Alexa's appearance when she wears her new dress.

4. Verb
Verb is the element that takes the important role in a sentence because it is used to explain an action happened in a sentence.
Example: Nicole studies English in Australia. The verb Studies explains about the activity does by Nicole.

Verb has 3 types which are verb 1, verb 2, verb 3 (depend on its tenses). Based on the example above, STUDY is verb 1 (then, adding "es" after study -> studies because the subject is singular). This is because the sentence above is used Simple present tense

5. Adverb
Adverb is the element that is used to describe verb, adjective, and adverb lainnya. Adverb has 4 main types which are Adverb of manners, adverb of time, adverb of place, and adverb of degree.

Example: The car that is driven by Albert moves fastly.
From this example, the phrase fastly is the kind of adverb of degree because it describes how fast the car that is driven by Albert.

6. Preposition: Preposition is the words that usually exist in front of the noun or pronoun.
1.This morning, I go to school with Rachel.
2.The birthday party of Zach will be held on the restaurant tonight
3. The cat is sleeping under the table

For detail, see this picture: picture of preposition
( Picture from Englishclub )

7. Conjunction
Conjunction is the words that are used to connect two or more phrases or words in a sentence.
Example: I go to school with Rachel and Richie. The word and is the conjunction because it connects the 2 persons' names of that sentence which are Rachel and Richie.

8. Interjection
Interjection is the words which are used to express someone's feeling in responding a situation/condition such as; Oops, wow, hooray, okay, ouch, etc...